Tuesday, January 26, 2010

You Go Tim!

I've had it.
I try very hard to avoid political and sometimes cultural controversies, mainly because I want to focus on more positive subjects. Sometimes all of the arguing just isn't worth it.
It started with my wife telling that Tim Tebow was going to do a pro-life Super Bowl ad. No problem, I thought, it would be better than some of the ads I've seen.
But I forgot how politically correct we have become.
Now first I want to say that I respect Tim Tebow. I'm not a Florida fan, and frankly I just got tired of them winning all the time (especially since Illinois couldn't win this year).
But as a man, Tim is tough, he played in the toughest football conference in the nation and he has never backed away from his beliefs.
It would have been easier for him just to keep his Christianity on the down low (hip sounding aren't I) and nobody would have known.
But he didn't, he wasn't afraid of LSU linebackers and he's not afraid to state what he believes.
And what does Tim believe?
That his mom was courageous for continuing her pregnancy even when doctors advised her, because of an illness she had during a mission trip, to abort her fifth child...Tim Tebow.
Tim will talk about the cause "Celebrate family, Celebrate life" which comes from the Focus on the Family group.
Wow just think, a wholesome, encouraging, positive, uplifting Super Bowl ad!
Ohhh but hold on a minute.
The fine girls at the National Organization for Women have cried foul.
They want CBS to cancel this ad, why would CBS air such filth?!?
And to CBS's credit (which one can rarely say these days) they just don't see what the big deal is. Hey, Focus on the Family's 2.5 million is just as good as Coor's 2.5 million right?
The ladies are worried that the ad is simply to divisive, and contains a message that simply isn't respectful of others.
You know if these gals were really worried about women, (and I don't really believe they are) maybe they would protest beer ads that portray women as sex objects, or all the other ads that show women that way.
But alas not a peep.
Just whining that a strong, courageous, and respected man saying simple and true facts might upset some poor gal.
This is where we are, but as I looked at some of the comments of this story (I saw this on Fox sports) I found that most people don't see the add nearly as dangerous or divisive as the ladies at NOW do.
Perhaps there is hope.

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