Monday, May 22, 2006

Well, now you've done it.

It's really takes a lot to get me angry.
I mean a LOT.
I have been complimented on my mild manner demeanor. The calm in the middle of the storm.
But now I'm ticked.
I was reading something in the local paper's web site, a soldier who had been killed in Iraq was going to be laid to rest.
And a Kansas based Baptist "church" was going to protest at the funeral.
Look, I know that they have the right to protest, we all do as Americans.
But at a funeral?!?
Maybe your not happy with the country, our president, or the war.
Fine, I'm sure many people aren't happy either.
And if you want to protest, fine, do it at your church, your town square, heck do it at the White House if you want.
But can we at least give this American man, someone who died for something bigger than himself, a peaceful and respectful funeral?
Is that to much to ask?
Now that makes me mad enough, but wait there's more.
This "church" says that these soldiers are dying because "God is punishing them for the sins of Americans".
Please, please, please, can we stop trying to use God to move our agendas?
And EVERYBODY'S doing it.
From Pat Robertson to these folks, everybody just knows exactly what God's thinking, what He is doing and what He is going to do. And wow, wouldn't you know it, God thinks just like we do!
And if you know so much about God, then you know that if God was REALLY angry, He wouldn't mess around. We'd all be dead.
Is God happy with America? Kiddies God can't be happy looking at the WORLD, not just America.
And if you READ your Bibles, you would find that these things are going to happen, earthquakes,
wars, etc..
These things shouldn't shock you.
Maybe what ticks me the most is the attitude that everybody else is sinning, but were not. Punish America, but since I'm perfect, give me all the blessings. I deserve it.
If I had five minutes with the "pastor" of this "church", I would calmly ask him a simple question. How is disturbing the funeral of a fellow human being, ministry? How about offering support to the family, maybe you don't agree with the cause he died for, but how about loving the hurting people anyway?
Let's see there was this guy, Jesus was His name I think, yeah, and He, like, loved people even though He didn't always like what the people did.
What a concept.
And guess what, when Jesus did love these people, they like, followed Him.
The real tragedy in all of this is it just makes it that much harder to reach the lost, because nobody wants to be a part of a group that says there all about love, but doesn't show it.
The Christian in me knows I have to forgive these people, and I do. The human inside me has a hard time forgiving people who protest a funeral for someone who protects the very freedom that allows them to protest.
In fact the human part of me thinks that if they hate this country that much, there is a plane leaving this country every minute or two. If they think they can do better somewhere else, they are free to leave.
And when I hear things like, God is punishing us for this or that, I would remind people of what Job found out when he finally got around to asking God why.
In a nutshell God said, I'm a whole lot smarter than you, and I've got things under control.
That's good enough for me.
So instead of pointing fingers at everybody else for what they are doing wrong, how about doing what Jesus told us to do.
Minister to His creation, in a kind and loving way.
You remember don't you?
And do you know what?
If we would show a little bit of love to these people, they might just want to be like us.
Do we dare?

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Dear Church...

Have you looked outside lately?
Sometimes I think were stuck in one of those Star Trek episodes, the one when they get stuck in a time warp.
I look at the people in our church, all of them dress nice. I don't see any tattoos (except a few WWII Navy vets) and the only earrings I see are on the ladies.
But is that reality?
I guess what I'm saying is the culture that exists inside the church, reflect the culture outside the church?
I think we have stuck our heads in the sand, we have pretended that the world outside is still Ozzie and Harriet. That people will just stumble into our church, see the error of their ways, and become like us.
The truth is...
I'm not sure they want to be like us.
I know, I know what's wrong with being like us?
Well, it just doesn't fit them.
I'm not sure we are willing to get messy, and church, the world outside is VERY messy. If we build relationships with people, lost people, it will get messy. There stories are different, they didn't grow up like you and I did. They are products of a generation gone nuts, to do it if it feels good, to the postmodern view that there is really no truth at all, just what they can see or feel. They have been hurt by their parents, their friends, and sometimes even the church. They have expressed their hurt in ways that make us cringe, and they don't feel lost because they feel the only thing they can count on is themselves.
Are we ready to minister to that type of person?
Sadly the truth is no, and if we pretend they don't exist, maybe they will just go away.
The church that understands the culture, and figures out how to minister to this very different, hurting people, will be the church that God wants the church to be. One that displays His love for ALL of His creation.
But the choice is yours, we can all meet on Sunday like we always do, sing our songs, listen to the preacher, and go home. Working in the service of Christ becomes duty, come to church, sing or teach when asked to.
Reaching people, building bridges for people, is somebody else's job. But don't worry, when someone new does come, we will be sure to judge them, making sure that meet our standards.
Is it any wonder they don't want to become like us?
If I'm honest, church would be nice and comfortable if we all looked nice, believed the same things. It wouldn't be messy at all. Nice and clean, and who doesn't want that?
And I find that God gives us what we want, our lack of ministry to the world and our attention on ourselves becomes our mantra, instead of trusting God we trust ourselves. Soon we wither and die.
Our church becomes a tomb, once a place of hope and light, now holds only pomp and tradition, budgets and leaf raking, until the last few people decide to close the doors.
But there is hope, but it will cost you more than you have ever been willing to give...
your comfort.

Friday, May 12, 2006

How lucky I am

Wow it's been awhile.
And it's been REALLY busy.
What some of you know and probably a few of you don't is that the Midwest Region of my denomination did a really crazy thing.
They elected me president.
If they only knew.
Anyway yesterday was my first meeting. I have to admit I was nervous. Would I stumble, look confused or just plain blow it?
Well I'm not really sure how I did, but the people that can answer that is the subject of this entry.
I am convinced that a leader is only as good as the people that surround him.
If that is indeed true, I'm going to look really good.
I am going to introduce them to you.
VP Fred, Fred is a guy that I think is going to work out great. He asked questions and seems very interested in what is going on. He wants to see the region get better, and that is a quality that I like.
Clerk Stan, I have not know Stan very long but I instantly liked him, he has that sense of humor that I love, and he has a gentle heart. He thinks before he speaks, which is a quality that can be in short supply in this day and age.
Director Bob, Bob is so complex I'm not sure were to start. I would say he is a friend that has a billion things running through his head at any one time. Bob may have his faults, but he wants the region to improve. Sometimes the way he does things rubs people the wrong way, but he is willing to work.
Don, Don is new to the group, but I can tell he is a sharp guy. He didn't say much, but I thought what he did say was good stuff.
Andy, Andy would admit that he is a tecno-geek. He is smart and is a detail person, that can laugh. What a concept.
Donetta, One of two ladies in our group. Donetta is a pretty sharp gal herself and will tell you what she thinks.
Brian, My good friend, who is head of our church planting commission. If you were to pick a guy for church planting, Brian has all the tools. He has a strange ability to understand culture and it's shifts. He is more concerned about growing the kingdom than denomination growth, and that's cool with me. He is my sounding board and reminds me to think outside of the box.
Mark, If there was one guy that I was worried about, it was Mark. This guy can preach the paint off the walls. His church has grown to 900 and he is an evangelist that can pastor. A rare gift. I hope he can tolerate me leading, I know it has to be tough on such a strong leader to let someone else drive the horses. If he can put up with me, he will be a major asset.
Randy, Randy is the new head of our church and pastor relations. This commission has been, in the past, the most disappointing. Randy is a breath of fresh air, and I like the direction he wants to take this group. I am expecting great things from him.
Sandi, Sandi wasn't in the meeting, but I have been in them with her before. Sandi is head of our cross cultural ministries. Sandi has a heart for missions and is always thinking of them and their well being.
Dave, My pastor, and the quiet one. This is the guy that I never know what he is thinking, but I do know this, he can pick apart financial stuff, which is more than I can do.
Ned, Finally our treasurer, and I guy I would trust with my savings. Ned is unique for treasurer because he wants you to spend money. His idea is that if your not spending money, your not doing anything. He wants you to submit plans and goals, not just budget numbers.
Pretty cool huh?
Finally I have to say the human that helps me the most isn't even on the board. That person is my wife, who puts up with the phone calls, and the time it takes away from her. She is part of my inner circle and she will tell me what's on her mind. God gave me a help mate, and she has been just that.
For the next two years (Lord willing) I will be able to work with this group.
And I'm sure I couldn't pick better people if I tried.