Wednesday, September 12, 2007

A disturbing trend

Maybe it's just me.
I've noticed lately that the culture we live in seems to be treating human beings like animals.
Think I'm nuts?
I provide the following evidence;
I read an article about the rise of "torture porn" in the movies. It's not enough to scare people, the new horror movies show intense scenes of torture that involve beautiful people.
I read another article about the rise of children involved in movies that have shown them being raped or in graphic sex scenes. That used to be illegal, right?
I'm seeing more and more news stories about kidnapped children, or even kidnapped adults that are held against their wills and are tortured or raped (or both).
The new cool thing is this Ultimate fighting stuff, in which the crowd gets more worked up when the blood really gets flowing. Let me see, dog fighting is wrong, but have two men (and now, of course, women) practically bare knuckled, beat the daylights out of each other, that's okay.
What does all this equal?
Well, two things really.
First we are becoming a people that's really hard to shock. In other words, we see so much of this garbage anymore, it doesn't even raise an eyebrow anymore. Oh, we get shocked a little the first time we see it, but after that, no big deal. When someone does say something, they get ridiculed as being "old school" or "out of touch".
Secondly, and perhaps, in my view scarier, is that we de-value life. People become objects for the mere pleasure of others. Because of porn, many see women as simply objects, sub human almost. We see people who are violent to other people and we cheer when the contestant falls down and the other person can jump on them to pummel them into submission.
We abort thousands of human lives, because the law does not see them as life yet, but it seems strange to me that if a pregnant woman is murdered, they can charge the killer with two murders.
A human life is a gift from the creator, and contrary to PETA, is more valuable than an animal's life. Using any animal to fight is wrong, but should we not also protect people who are weaker and have been exploited by a culture that simply wants their entertainment at the expense of others?
I know people that do some of these things are well paid, but doesn't that say something when people are dishing out money to see this stuff? The demand is high, or they wouldn't be doing it.
What does that say about us?
I fear a day when we return to the days of Rome, when people were thrown into a ring to be killed for the enjoyment of the masses. If there is a demand, somebody will come up with a way to provide it. In today's world, it's easier to provide it. Just link up to your computer or your TV and you can have it pumped right into your living room.
Jesus said that our bodies are temples.
I'm afraid we don't care.