Tuesday, March 18, 2008

To change the world or not, that is the question.

That might sound like a strange question.
In most churches I'm not sure it even comes up. Maybe it does, but the world they often talk about changing is their world, not the world around them.
And perhaps our theology, that the world is heading straight for the gutter anyway, keeps us
from taking ministry that seriously.
I mean lets be honest, why make ourselves uncomfortable, why change, why get everybody worked up if it isn't going to make a difference anyway? The world is going down the tubes, the Bible even says that it's going to.
Why not spend our lives caring only for those we feel deserve it or those we really care about. Our friends and family come to mind.
And why change the church? It's been the same for years, it was good enough for the saints of old, why start changing things? If you like our way of doing things, fine, if not, well the door works both ways. Let's not get crazy, because really in the end it doesn't matter.
Or does it?
I've talked to several people, many shake their heads at the world around them. They watch the news and get down. It seems like a hopeless task.
And there is so much hopelessness, so many people without hope carrying out violence on themselves and others. Some turn to numbing their lack of hope with drugs, alcohol, relationships.
Is there hope?
Many look for hope through leaders, perhaps even presidential hopefuls, that they will make our world better. But I'm sure you would agree that politicians have seem to let us down so I'm not counting on that to change.
But God did something, pretty amazing actually (He usually does stuff like that). He created the church. A community of believers starting in Acts 2 that would give hope to those without it, that would help when others wouldn't, that would teach forgiveness and discipline, grace and mercy.
The truth is the ONLY hope for our world, our towns, our friends, every human being on this planet is Jesus Christ working through His people. People have tried everything else, it just doesn't work.
You will never vote your town, or the world better. Only the heart changing power of God will do that. Want a better community? Help change a life. Want a better world? Invest in the Kingdom.
It's pretty humbling to think that God would use me to help change the world.
One day God will say enough and call it quits on those who reject Him, but right now work, for the night is coming.
God never intended the church to become static, He created it to be dynamic and serve with a single minded purpose.
To change the world.

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