Wednesday, March 22, 2006

My Prayer

I need a minute with you.
I know it seems like I ask you for a lot of stuff, like your Santa Claus. I guess it comes from hearing others pray for stuff. It just seems natural to ask for people to be well, blessings for me, my family, my church.
I've tried talking to you like I would talk to my friends, but it just doesn't seem right. Besides I find myself asking my friends for stuff too.
Why do I find myself asking for this or that? Is it my selfish heart? Probably, I can be selfish, and if anybody would know that, you would.
I can find so many more things to do than spend time with you.
I know that's not fair, you have given me far more than I deserve. You have blessed me in so many ways, my work, my family, my home, my friends, my church. Not to mention that eternal life thing. That's a pretty good return for what little I have given you.
I guess that brings up something that I know we have talked about before.
You know what this is about.
Man have we been over this ground before.
And I have a simple way out of this.
Just tell me what you want me to do. I mean it.
And I don't want the still small voice thing, I want the answer in a LOUD CLEAR VOICE.
Let's not mess around. I'm 40 for pete's sake so I've only got a few good years left.
Also, while were at it, and me being selfish of course, I hope you take into consideration what I have now. My boys love the school they attend, my wife has her dream job, and as far as my job goes, this is the best place I have ever worked. You wouldn't throw a wrench into all of that, would you?
Look, a lot of people have told me I should do this, but I'm very interested in what you think.
So let's have it, yea or nay. Tell me what you want, and then let's move on. I need to know what you want from me. This question has been driving me nuts for years, so let's finish this, here and now.
Do you really think I have the heart for this? I'm curious as to why you made me with the gifts I have. Am I doing all that you want me to do or do you have something bigger for me?
Well I'm going to wrap this up, but before I go, do you remember the love letter I sent the girl I would eventually marry? I know you do. I told her that I thought you had something special planned for my life, I just wasn't sure what that would be.
Well here I am, twenty years later, and I'm still not sure.
I'm glad your a patient God.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It really sounds like you already know the answer. Now what is the question exactly?
