Thursday, January 12, 2006

What it's all about

The room was slightly dark as my mother in law walked into the room.
She went to the nursing home to visit an elderly lady who was not expected to make it through the night. The oxygen mask could not hide the smile she gave when my mother in law squeezed her hand.
"I'm going to see Jesus, maybe tonight"
As my mother in law shared that with the Bible study group, I couldn't help but say a few "amens" to myself, my eyes teared up.
And my load lightened.
I can get really wrapped up in life. My plans and ambitions. What I feel is important. I can get equally wrapped up in church leadership. Doing stuff. Go, go, go.
And, to quote Solomon in Ecclesiastes, it is meaningless.
I don't mean that we should just sit around and be depressed because of that, but we should remind ourselves about what life is really all about.
It isn't what you see on the commercials you watch. It isn't the latest church growth fad. It isn't wealth or a hottie on your arm.
Should we work in church? Of course, but are the things that we feel are important, REALLY important?
Are we showing love or are we just talking about showing love?
Are the church doors really open to anybody or is their people we would rather not see in "our" church?
Is the property of the church, it's money and it's buildings more important than it's mission?
You see when it's all over, is it really going to matter if we had a balanced budget?
Tough questions.
And answered, at least I feel, by a little old lady who was excited and looking forward to seeing her savior face to face.
You see everything in life needs to prepare us for that meeting. I think we get so busy sometimes we wouldn't have enough time to meet with Him.
Think I'm kidding?
How much time do you spend each day talking to Him?
Don't have the time? Hmmmm.
I wish anyone who reads this success and happiness.
Just make sure in the end you can smile and say...
I'm going to see Jesus, maybe tonight!!

1 comment:

Brian said...

Maybe it is the approach of my fortieth birthday without the level of success I expected, but I am now fairly convinced that success for me is really appreciating the fact that my wife is in the room, enjoying the cold sting of the air as I breath it in, feeling very grateful that there is a group of people who let me stand up and talk every Sunday, that I have an amazing flexibility in my schedule.