Thursday, July 06, 2006

The 2006 family vacation

I have returned.
Back from the Gulf coast were it was very warm.
When I told people I was going, people asked me "are you going on a work team?"
I have to admit, no.
What I went for was to see a couple of WWII museum ships, one in Mobile AL and the other in Baton Rouge.
You see I'm a ship nut, I love being on the water (although I can't swim) and when you combine that with my love for naval history, you can see why I went.
Don't you feel sorry for my wife and kids?
They were pretty good sports about it, they endured the heat and walking up and down ladders that were never made for the tourist.
We did see some of the hurricane damage in some places, but we didn't get off the highway very much.
What I did see made me feel pretty good.
And what did I see?
Several church vans pulling little trailers, some as far away as New Jersey.
You see the church as a whole has taken some pretty good shots from a variety of different sources.
But nobody can argue the impact churches have had in the damaged areas of the south. They have not stopped working, not stopped loving people in need of hope.
And there still coming, still working, still loving.
So I'll take my hat off to those who have sacrificed their time and energy to help their fellow man in a time of extreme need.
Just as Christ did for us.

1 comment:

cochrans guitars said...

Hey Tom! You remember me?
Van Cochran from the school in Martinsville. I looked at your blog as well as Brian Millers.
I'm still at Rowe Foundry and sell guitars now. Check it out sometime....