Friday, February 17, 2006

Ode to Mr Doe.

You know who you are.
I want to talk about people that don't want to be talked about.
They attend our churches, but they are very quiet, and yet their handiwork is everywhere.
In my church we have several people who work behind the scenes, and they do a great job.
I thank the good Lord we have them.
But I'm thinking of one man, and I find that most churches have at least one, that can fix anything and is always ready to donate his time and money to the church. Now I know there can be several people who fit that mold, but what is so unique about this special person is he never wants the spotlight. He hates being recognized, he just wants to serve his God with his special talents.
Now because he wants to remain out of the spotlight I won't use his name, we will call him Mr. Doe.
Mr Doe is an artist with the hammer and saw, wiring and the hedge trimmer. The church needs a new VCR-DVD combo unit, amazingly one appears, and when he is asked about it he calmly says that "I saw one fall out of the back of a truck I was following, I stopped and picked it up and it still works", (I have to admit I fell for this at first, until he told me the same thing about a new bathroom sink the church needed).
I want so badly to tell you who he is, I love this guy and I think his work needs to be recognized, but I can't and I won't.
It is so neat that in this day and age of self gratification and ego stroking there are people who want just to serve without recognition.
So many will do things in the church, but they want the spotlight shined on them. Look what I did, look at what I have sacrificed. See how special and important I am. It becomes less Christ service and more self service.
So today Mr. Doe I want to shine a little light on you, both in my church and in the other churches your special kind attend all over the world. You may think that nobody knows what you do, but don't worry, God knows and He will reward you when it counts. I thank the Lord for you and your kind. You are an example of true servant hood, and my hope is that we all catch your kind and gentle spirit.
To coin a bad commercial slogan,
this blogs for you!

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