Thursday, December 15, 2005

Holiday Tree?

"Let me ask you a question".
Frank usually didn't start our conversations like that, I was kind of worried about what the question was going to be.
"Sure", I said.
"At your house do you have a Christmas tree or a holiday tree?"
Frank obviously doesn't know I'm a Christian. "I have a Christmas tree", I replied in the nice but firm voice I'm famous for.
"See, that's what I say, but my wife wants to call it a holiday tree."
"Wow", was about all I could get out.
I have heard about this "holiday tree" garbage, the stores saying "happy holidays" instead of "merry Christmas". But I never thought I would actually talk to anyone who even knew anybody who bought into this stuff.
Maybe that's a problem.
I have to admit that I can really get steamed at the minority in this country, who, through shear intimidation, can ruin one of the greatest holidays there is.
I'm not usually one to scream the sky is falling every time some nut in this country tries to change how we handle God. I actually respect the rights of people who don't want anything to do with God. Why? Because God gives people the opportunity to live their life without Him. It is a simple choice and God loves you enough to let you decide. Heck, live your whole life that way and guess what, God will let you spend eternity without him, but that really won't be a pleasant experience.
But mess with Christmas?
I guess what gets me steamed is that the same minority that wants God out of their lives wants me to put God out of mine. If you don't want to celebrate Christmas the way I do, fine. Call your tree whatever you want, erase Christmas from your calendar all together if you like. That's what living in a free country is all about, you can decide how you want to live your life.
But don't mess with mine.
Why are people so afraid of Christ? Why are we so scared of the Ten Commandments? We don't keep them anyway. Why do some homosexuals try to push acceptance of their lifestyle choice on others? You can do whatever you want, just don't think that just because it's you that God is going to be okay with it.
Maybe the problem is right there.
To many people, to many churches try to create God in their image. We want a God to be okay with us, instead of us being okay with God. It is a lot easier that way.
Jesus said something that really caught my eye, Luke 6 verse 46, He said "Why do you call me, 'Lord, Lord,' and do not do what I say?". This cuts both ways, it warns Christians to be following the teachings of Jesus, and if we are going to be followers of Christ, we must obey ALL of His teachings. Not just the ones we like. What is the use of saying that Jesus is the lord of our life when we simply live life the way we want to?
In reading this some may say that I am uncaring, a homophobe, self righteous or, gasp, even conservative. But I submit I'm none of the above.
I am simply a Christian man, that fails his Lord every day. The difference is that I am trying to conform my life to what God expects, not making God see things my way.
Jesus said that if we love Him, we must obey him. Everybody runs around saying they love Jesus, but do they love Him enough to deny themselves and their desires to follow Him? It is a question we all must be brave enough to ask.
In the last times we are told not to be surprised at the events we witness, yet I can't help but be surprised at the direction we have taken as a country. At one time being a Christian was a positive thing, now it is something to be feared. Is hate that far off?
I want everyone to accept Christ as their savior, I don't want anyone to suffer hell. The Bible tells us that the road to hell is wide. The majority of people will choose to live without God.
And God loves them enough to let them.

1 comment:

Brian said...

This wasn't a "last times" comment. I'll admit I didn't read the rant too closely. But the lady doesn't want to call it a Christmas tree. She didn't say you couldn't call your tree a Christmas tree. The store doesn't say you can't reply Merry Christmas. It's not about politics. It's about money.