Thursday, May 28, 2009

Jon & Kate Make A Mess

It was annoying to say the least.
I was trying to sleep and my wife was watching this latest reality television show.
In the background I heard kids crying for at least 15 minutes. If I wanted to hear that I would have had more of my own kids.
Not to mention the non-stop whining they both did. You wanted kids right?
Now I know the latest craze is having 8 kids all at once(looks like "octo mom" is in line next), and then telling the world how tough it is, get yourself your own show. Stick a camera in your kid's face, complain your spouse isn't doing enough. Let the world come on in. Then travel around the country talking about your new found fame (at the expense of spending time with your 8 little gold mines).
I guess it beats working.
Now I see that both of them are denying affairs. They are both upset at the tabloids.
I thought Jon and Kate liked attention.
I have to admit I'm wondering if the divorce talk is just to pull in ratings.
The tragedy here is that families have enough struggles without adding fame into the mix.
What happens if they do get divorced? Will their greed and desire for fame harm the very children they claim to care about? You know the answer to that.
No I don't walk in their shoes. I don't know their life.
I know this, what they are about to lose isn't worth what they have gained.
So my free advice to Jon and Kate;
Jon, be the family protector and tell TLC to get out of your family's life. Protect your family like a pit bull on a bad day. That's YOUR job.
Kate, stop whining about everything and decide what you want. To be a wife and mom or be a star. It's not working being both. Frankly, without Jon and the kids your star power is a little dim.
I'm praying they keep it together.
But our culture is so "me" anymore, so starved for attention, we so desire to be the victim in everything that doesn't work the way we want it to.
It just easier to throw our hands up and quit.
Who knows maybe that will get them a spot on Dr Phil.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


I had waited on George several times.
He worked for a gravel pit and he was a very nice guy.
He never got really worked up, and he had a pleasant personality.
And last week he killed himself.
Of all the people I would have thought might do something like this, George would have been the last on the list.
What was it? Did he have an addiction, a terminal illness? Did he live without hope?
I've had the "why" thought about a lot of things lately.
Kids bringing guns to school, parents killing their own kids, normal looking people who do horrible things to others.
Has the longing in people souls become such an abyss? Are we as a society coming to a point where we will do anything to satisfy a thirst for something?
The answer is that people sometimes buy false goods. Satan hates God and everything He has created. That means he hates us.
To destroy us he has to tell us that there is no hope, that only extreme measures will bring an end to that hopeless feeling. Killing and harming others or ourselves will put us in control of the situation.
It's a win-win for Satan, he destroys lives and hurts God.
There is always hope. If we have Christ that hope becomes eternal.
How many more "Georges" are out there? How many have lost hope? How many will destroy their lives trying to find life?
We have the answer to the hurt.
Will we share it?