Friday, January 05, 2007


I was watching TV again, and again I was disappointed.
I was watching an interview with Allen Iverson, or as he is called in some circles "the answer".
What really struck me was Iverson's complaint.
"I think I deserve more respect".
Let's see, you get paid millions of dollars, to play a game. You have fought with just about every coach you have played for. You don't see a need to practice, and your body looks more like a badly done billboard.
I can't see why somebody wouldn't respect you.
Some might argue that playing all those games would be hard on a persons body. I've played a little basketball, so I would believe that.
But what about the millions of people who work at dangerous jobs every day, that take a huge toll on their bodies, who will never see a tenth of what "the answer" will bring home.
It's a disturbing trend in our culture today.
You see respect is something you EARN.
You might be really good at putting a round ball in a round hoop, you might be really smart, or you can sing, or be very beautiful.
But that doesn't guarantee respect.
I really don't care all that much what Brittany, Lindsey, Iverson, Mr Cruise, and the rest of the "stars" have going on in their lives.
But please, don't go out in public and whine that people are being unfair, that your not getting respect, when you go out and do stupid things.
What I fear is happening is that our children are watching these poor examples for role models and figuring out that, if we dress like, try to look like, try to be like, these people then they will be fawned over, desired, respected.
But because I'm a generous guy, I'm going to help. Here are my tips for gaining respect.
1. Be humble. Your not the only person on the planet. Don't look down on us "mortals" just because we didn't win the genetic lottery. Try thinking of others before you think of yourself.
2. Dress like you have some respect for yourself. If there is anything more disturbing, and keeps teenage girls dad's awake at night, it's this one. Look, you can be a beautiful without showing everyone all your body parts.
3. Be your own person. Take your own path. Don't be a lemming and run with everyone else to their destruction. Don't do something, just because everyone else is doing it.
4. Take responsibility for your actions. Just once I'd like a pro athlete, or a movie star, actually admit that they broke the law, and pay the fine or do the time. I get so tired of stars saying "don't you know who I am?!?". I just read today they some Peavy for the San Diego Padres got thrown in jail. His crime? He double parked at an airport, which I admit is a long way from stabbing someone. What got him in trouble was, yes you guessed it, his mouth. He simply told them "write me a ticket and I'll just pay for it". I applaud the law enforcement officer for his quick thinking response. He threw the spoiled brat in jail. Hey all you important people out there, stop hiding behind your lawyer's skirt, plead guilty for once, or better yet, don't break the law because you think your better than everyone else.
5. Don't talk so much. Now you may be an expert at acting, or singing, or playing a sport. That does not make you an expert on, well anything. Now don't get me wrong, your entitled to your opinions, just make sure you tell people that it is just your opinion. Reading a magazine article on global warming does not make you an expert. Stick with your strengths, and do more listening than talking.
Since we, as a nation, are so entertainment centered many ordinary, everyday people are becoming much like the people we watch on a daily basis. I'm seeing a lot of people who are developing the same attitudes as the "stars".
So maybe my tips can help them also.
But if you can't get yourself together,
don't expect any r-e-s-p-e-c-t from me.