Tuesday, November 08, 2005

The Tom Brady syndrome

What an interview.
Here is a guy who has everything. I mean look at what he has, 3 Super Bowl rings, dating some model, tons of money.
And he his empty.
I give Tom a lot of credit to admit something that the vast majority just doesn't get. It will never be enough.
The world tells us that we must be wealthy (tons of money), successful career (3 Super Bowl rings), and a hottie by our side (the model). By the worlds definition Tom Brady should be the happiest guy on the planet.
But he isn't.
In this rich country of ours it is very easy to obtain many things that we just know will make us happy, make us complete.
We pile the stuff up until we have to go rent a storage building to hold the rest of it. We want our bodies to be ripped and perfect, we want money so badly that we are willing to send our wives into the workplace, our children to the sitters, just to obtain more. We should be happy.
But we are not.
In fact I would say that in today's world we are as empty as we have ever been. Drug use is on the rise, we marry and divorce, have affairs and file bankruptcy. Always searching for that key
ingredient that we think will make everything better.
The answer of course is Jesus, but the world isn't buying that. I wonder if it's because the world sees Christians falling into the same traps.
We tell the world that "all you need is Jesus" and then run to the store to buy lottery tickets. What does that convey? I have faith that Jesus will supply all of my needs, but just in case He doesn't I'll play powerball. How about "all you need is Jesus", but my wife doesn't understand me so I found a "friend" on the side that does. "All you need is Jesus", but the bass boat I can't afford would look great on the lake. "All you need is Jesus", but I'm addicted to drugs, alcohol, or porn because I need it to get by. I wonder sometimes, do we really need Jesus, or just more money, sex or power.
It's a good question for all of us. I'm not saying nice things are bad, but what are we willing to give up to have them. What is our priority?
Jesus talked with a nice rich young man one time. The gentleman wanted eternal life and had obeyed the "rules" in his life. Jesus pointed out that there was something between this rich man and true happiness. The "things" in life got in the way. He left empty, coming so close to true wealth, but yet so far away.
I wonder if Tom will leave this earth the same way.

1 comment:

Brian said...

Really touching.

Do you have extra room in your storage? I've got some stuff I need to store.

When I think about happiness, I think about Flower Hill. Here is a guy who took care of his family when his dad was sick. Here is a guy who found a fantastic woman and pursued her and won her. Here is a guy who has two really outstanding boys. Here is a guy who has worked hard, without a college education (at least without a BS) and has been rewarded. Here is a guy who has made some tough calls, even admits to not doing it perfectly, and has stood tall through it all. I love this guy.