Friday, November 04, 2005


I've always been a loner.
I'm not sure how it happened, maybe the fact that my parents were not in the social circles and that they over protected me as a child.
I just didn't need anyone else.
I was the only one I knew I could trust for a long time, I would walk to and from school, my mind always engaged with thought or day dreaming. The friends I did have were close. I didn't make close friends easily, it was something that took a lot of time. They had to earn my trust before I would let them into my world.
I was a stick in the mud so to speak, I loved being home, doing my thing. I could care less about the school dances or the events. I was shy around people, usually because I figured I would say something stupid, so I just avoided most people. Even to this day, more people know who I am in my small town, than I know who they are.
I was tall growing up, but pretty skinny. Because of that people just thought I should play basketball. I tried it and found out I really enjoyed the game. That was probably the best thing for me as it drug me out of my shell a little and it kept me busy.
What has that got to do with the church?
Well in some ways we all are loners. We don't let people into our lives very much. We don't let our Christian brothers and sisters in very close either. We guard our lives and our time like a pit bull standing over a T-bone. We have so much stuff and activities to do we just don't have time to develop relationships. We each have our own world and were comfortable with that. Church becomes an extension of our world but really nothing more.
I say this for two reasons. First, we miss out on genuine fellowship, not just eating together, but really getting to know people. This is hard for me still. But when I have done it, I have found it to be a blessing. I have grown as a person and a Christian when I let my guard down and let people in.
The second reason is the toughest. We need to develop relationships with people who are lost. I'm not talking about smacking them over the head with a coffee table KJV. I mean a genuine concern for people. They have to see our beliefs in action before they will ever consider joining you on your journey. Most people have heard it all before. Their not looking for someone to preach to them. Their looking for a friend.
We need to be tearing down fences instead of building them.

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